Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Foreigners Give Germany 4-0 Victory Over Australia

By Gianni Truvianni

Germany with the help of foreign players defeated Australia by a score of 4-0 in a performance which I would qualify as solid but hardly brilliant yet in the typical fashion of German football which is efficient and consistent; did manage an impressive victory. As for Australia though they did have a clear opportunity 3 minutes in to the game, it did not take them long to fall behind on the score board when Podolski (Polish born) scored Germany's first goal in the seventh minute of the game. Germany would then go on to get their second when 25 minutes in to the game, Miroslav Klose (also Polish born) scored his first goal in this world cup which makes him not only one of a few players to score in three world cups but gives him a total of 11 world cup goals. This number placing him in a tie with Hungary's Kocsis for fifth place on the all time goal scorers list in world cup history.

The half however despite German domination would end with Germany only leading by two zero. As in all reality a third goal would have come if not for Australia's Neil who cleared the ball just as it was about to go in for what would have been Germany's third in the first half.

The second half got underway with some controversy, as the ball clearly did strike the hand of a German player inside the penalty box (similar like it did in Mexico's match against South Africa) yet the referee ruled it accidental. Germany however did continue to attack and it would be at the 67 minute mark of the game that a third goal would come from Muller; who with a perfect shot off the bar managed to score his first goal of the tournament. It was then that Germany secure in their win and with three points in hand got their fourth goal just two minutes later when Brazil born Cacau scored his first goal of the tournament. This goal coming on Cacau's second touch of the ball which he delivered to perfection in to the Australian net.

In conclusion, I would say that Germany was solid and did what they had to do to get a good result and should have no problems going through to the next round though all is possible. As for Australia, in all honesty I would say that they did not play as badly as the result might indicate but will have to do their utmost for a win against Ghana, who will be undoubtedly be looking for a victory which would pretty much seal Australia's fate; as well as qualify them in to the next round.

In a footnote, I find it strange that in four of the eight matches which have been played so far; a goal was scored within the first 7 minutes of the game. This in and of itself being something which I do not think has happened before in any other world cup though this I declare not with certainty.

My name is Gianni Truvianni, I am an author who writes with the simple aim of sharing his ideas, thoughts and so much more of what I am with those who are interested in perhaps reading something new. I also am the author of the book entitled New York's Opera Society which is now available on Amazon.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com

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