Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spain Wins Final by 1-0

By Gianni Truvianni

Yesterday, Spain with an overtime goal by Iniesta at the 116 minute mark of match beat the Netherlands by 1-0 in what I would call the most boring, unimaginative, uninspired and above all foul infested final I have ever seen. Granted one could say that the 1990 final was not all that great but at least one got to see Maradona, who despite not having anybody to really work with tried all match long to break a solid German defense and did manage to provide a few passes almost out of nowhere while Germany did attempt to attack. Of course the 94 final between Italy and Brazil ended in 0-0 and had to be settled in penalties yet there were sparks of brilliance even if sporadic from the quality players on the field; such as Roberto Baggio, who despite being injured came close to scoring while Romario was a scoring threat through out the entire match.

Yesterday, it seemed that we had two teams who were playing the final not because either wanted to win it but because they had an obligation to do so, with perhaps Spain putting a little more emphasizes at the start though quickly realizing that they did not really have the skill to break the Dutch defense and needed to settle in to a plan of hoping for a vital mistake. The Dutch, at the start for their part seemed to be saying that this was a final and there was no point in trying to win it but just not loose it. This being an idea which the Spanish eventually caught on to as the game became slow and above all boring during most of the first half.

I, for what concerns me would have in all honesty changed the channel or done something else if this had not been a final of a world cup and I believe that I am not alone in the world in thinking thus. The second half seemed like two teams with no more inspiration than in the first yet with more fatigue added on to them. The Netherlands did however produce a moment of inspiration in which Robben was left one on one with Casillas but shot hopelessly; as his effort came far from scoring. Robben even seeming as if he did not really wish to take the scoring chance which had been presented him but did so as he had no other option but to at least try to look like he was attempting to score. David Villa, for Spain would get a clear scoring chance just a few minutes later but shot so wide that the last thing that could have happened was a goal.

The game would eventually end at 0-0 which meant overtime. It being in this overtime that Iniesta beat the Dutch offside trap to put and an end to Holland's hopes of winning their first title while handing Spain victory in the final and above all putting those who watched the match out of the misery of having to see whose penalty kickers could remain more firm under pressure.

In conclusion, I would say that the final was definitely not one which I will want to remember or talk much about yet Spain, to their credit did win and are the 8th nation to become world champion while the Netherlands are now the first country to have lost 3 world cup finals without having won one. Spain also became the first European team to win a world cup outside of Europe and have also given their continent the lead in world cup titles over South America by ten to nine. Europe in fact leading South America in world cup titles for the first time since Italy won the world cup back in 1938.

As a footnote to this match, the most interesting moment in my opinion came when the Spanish sent the ball off the field when Puyol was down and injured. This meaning that according to the etiquette of the game, the Dutch should give the Spanish back the ball which they did through a pass they made to Spanish goalkeeper Casillas which almost ended up going in for a goal. Casillas in fact having to send it for a corner which the Dutch did not use. As they just slowly passed the ball to Casillas on the ground to prevent any chances of an accidental goal.

My name is Gianni Truvianni, I am an author who writes with the simple aim of sharing his ideas, thoughts and so much more of what I am with those who are interested in perhaps reading something new. I also am the author of the book entitled "New York's Opera Society" which is now available on Amazon.

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