Monday, August 20, 2012

That's a bit flash! City photographer falls victim to Mario's latest prank

New season, same old Mario. It may have been a day to set the benchmark for the year to come, but the Premier League's favourite prankster still found time for some mischief on the opening afternoon.
His hi-jinx didn't involve fireworks this time, but a flash of a different kind as he grabs an expensive piece of camera equipment from Manchester City's club photographer Sharon Latham.
Just before the champions' opening match against Southampton, the unpredictable striker is filmed strolling down the tunnel at the City of Manchester Stadium, casually hi-fiving the young mascots.
Scroll down to watch the video
Balotelli strolls down the tunnel after completing his warm-up, nonchalantly hi-fiving the mascots
Balotelli strolls down the tunnel after completing his warm-up, nonchalantly hi-fiving the mascots

He spies club photographer Sharon Latham kneeling on the floor snapping away and makes a grab for her camera
He spies club photographer Sharon Latham kneeling on the floor snapping away and makes a grab for her camera
Meanwhile, Latham is crouched on the floor snapping away at him. The switch in Balotelli's mischievous mind goes and he reaches out for the flash, almost dragging the photographer with him as she tries to cling on.
And with a broad smile on his face, the Italian then twists of the lens and walks off the to changing room.
The embarrassed Latham doesn't know where to look and can only laugh at the prank.
The referee Howard Webb, walking down the tunnel behind Balotelli, struggles to hide a smirk as he walks past.
She bravely tries to cling on to her expensive piece of equipment as Balotelli tries to get the flash
She bravely tries to cling on to her expensive piece of equipment as Balotelli tries to get the flash

The striker proves too strong and gets away with the lens
The striker proves too strong and gets away with the lens

Balotelli disappears to the dressing room and Latham can only smile at the prank
Balotelli disappears to the dressing room and Latham can only smile at the prank
Balotelli came on for the last 20 minutes of City's 3-2 opening day win against Southampton as a replacement for David Silva.
He reportedly twisted his knee in a pre-match warm down, though City officials played down the extent of the injury.
He's likely to see plenty of match action in the coming weeks as strike partner Sergio Aguero was injured during the game. 
Why always him? Balotelli's latest prank

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