Thursday, October 25, 2012

FIFA signs goal-line technology deals with GoalRef and Hawk-Eye

Finally, the resolve on seeking solutions from the goal-line technology is beginning to take proper shape as the World football governing body; FIFA took a positive step towards it as it signed licence agreements with two goal-line technology providers; GoalRef and Hawk-Eye.
The two technology providers were authorised to install their systems around the world after negotiations and final agreements towards the deal was over and according information the goal-linetechnology will be introduced in the English Premier League 2013-14 seasons.
It would be recalled that sometime in October 2011, the World football governing body began looking into the reliability of this goal-line technology systems due to series of high-profile controversies about whether or not shots had crossed the line.
And after these tests were done it came about that the two goal-line technology providers came out tops in that their systems were reliable in detecting whether the whole of a football had crossed a goal-line.
But some leading figures in football, including UEFA president Michel Platini, remain opposed to technology.
Platini is refusing to allow its use in UEFA competitions, instead preferring additional assistant referees, such as those seen at Euro 2012 and in the Europa League.
Platini said he will never be convinced on the goal-line technology as he will also not change his views on the matter saying that his idea is to help referees by putting up more referees.
FIFA in a statement released towards the deals signed said “Between October 2011 and June 2012, both companies passed a series of extensive laboratory and field tests, tests in simulated match situations, as well as tests in live matches.
“This milestone in the goal-line technology process, which began in 2011, means that the two companies now have official authorisation to install their respective goal-line technology systems worldwide.”
The International Football Association Board (IFAB), which makes the game’s rules, gave the go-ahead to the use of technology as calls for its introduction increased around the world.
The debate was intensified by incidents such as the goal scored by Frank Lampard for England against Germany in the last World Cup, when the referee failed to award a goal despite the ball clearly crossing the line.
But hurdles remain before the systems are in full use, and FIFA explained: “Once a system has been installed in a stadium, it undergoes a final inspection to check its functionality.
“This is carried out by an independent test institute and the results of this so-called ‘final installation test’ must be successful. Only a positive final installation test qualifies a system to be used in official matches.”
Both systems are due to be used in competitive games for the first time at the Club World Cup in Japan in December, with GoalRef installed at one of the tournament’s two venues and Hawk-Eye at the other.

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